My Fitness Journey…..










My fitness journey truly began way back in my college years but I really only began taking it seriously a little over two years ago. This first picture (below) is one of the first “progress pics” I ever took. Now I will say that I never ever thought I was over weight – but I was never body confident. I used to hide under baggy clothes and I was always very hung up on feeling bloated, sluggish and swollen. I had no shape and yet I would easily run 8-10km up to three times a week. I did a little in the gym – maybe two days of weight training – but looking back now I wasn’t lifting anything that was challenging me in any way. I was spending hours every week trying to achieve the body I wanted and getting no where fast. I would go to bed EVERY night hungry abiding by a rule of no food after 6pm which was crazy. I had very little carbs in my diet and was constantly tired and low on energy.


August 2013 – My first “Progress Pic” 

In December 2013 I decided to take on a 6 week challenge to kickstart the “new me”. Dave helped me with a plan and I got to work exercising 5 days a week with weights for no more than 50 minutes to 1 hour per day. I followed a gym plan that was easy to maintain and my food plan was more than satisfying. I should point out however that there was absolutely NO alcohol during this six weeks but it was a small price to pay!!


December 2013 – before my 6 week transformation 


In just two weeks I noticed a BIG difference in my shape. I began to see definition and that was literally ALL the motivation I needed to keep on going. Taking progress pics like these was a big help. I used to line them up side by side and pat myself on the back!!! Seeing the changes right there in front of you is a big help to keeping you on track.

January 2014
January 2014 – two weeks into my 6 week transformation 

By March 2014 – after a SIX WEEK TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE I was delighted with the results. My body had shaped up nicely and I was beginning to see the benefits of building a little bit of muscle. I loved the feeling of being strong and that was an additional driving force for me.

March 2014 – the end result of my 6 week transformation 


Since that time my body shape has pretty much stayed the same. My diet is not the same day to day, I definitely like mixing it up. I love the routine of some things but for dinner I do like a little bit of variety. I eat 5-6 times a day and always feel satisfied.

April 2014, May 2014, June 2014


Right now I have definitely found what works for me. Sure my bodyfat can creep up from time to time – there are weeks when my training can suffer due to the nature of the work I do – but for me I now KNOW how to get to and stay at a place that I am more than happy with with a little bit of planning, preparation and hard work.


Foodwise I usually opt for the following:

Breakfast: 2 Full eggs, 1/2 Avocado, Flaxseed, Coffee

Snack: Protein Shake + Fruit OR Vegetable Juice

Lunch: Chicken salad with Sweet Potato OR left over dinner

(Sometimes if I have just trained I’ll go for Pro-oats at this time)

Snack: Low Sugar Protein Bar

Dinner: Protein source/Carbs

Snack: Proyo

At the weekend I am less strict and I do tend to have a couple of cheat meals and even a few glasses of vino! My number ONE rule is that it HAS to be sustainable for you….

Learning what works for me has changed my life – because for the first time ever I am happy and content with my body. I feel good from the inside out and I still get to “live” my life.


August 2013 – January 2014 – August 2015




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