Leanne Moore

Five Life Lessons I Have Learned


Today’s blog post is a little different, I am sharing five life lessons I have learned. Take a little read and see if you can take anything from them.


Always surround yourself with people who lift you higher

This is a big one for me. In my life today I have people who love me for me, who challenge me to better myself, who teach me, who inspire me, who support me and who have my back. I have so much love and respect for these people and I tell them that, I make sure they know that. Being surrounded my love and drive and ambition is infectious. I truly believe it is one of the greatest life lessons I have learned. The people I my life make me the person that I am.


You will never be able to please everyone 

This was a fault I had for many years, I was constantly trying to please everyone. And the problem with that is…. it’s just not possible. If this is you – stop trying. Just be you. There will always, in all walks of life, be someone who thinks you are too much of one thing and too little of another. Just do you as best you can and don’t let any negative energy affect you. 


Every turn in life leads you to where you are supposed to be

In my career I have been a trainee teacher, a performer, a journalist and a presenter. And then two years ago I completely packed it all in to become a fitness professional and blogger. It might seem that I wasted my twenties trying to climb the ladder of other industries (and it was a tough climb – there were many doors closed in my face) but I actually believe that all those experiences have led me exactly to this point.

As a teacher, I learned the principles of teaching – something I do every day as a Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor. 

As a performer, I learned how to be confident in front of a group of people – something I do everyday in classes I teach. 

As a journalist and presenter I learned the principles of writing articles and recording, editing video – something I do every day as a blogger. 

So as you see, every turn I took has led me exactly to this point. And though I may not have realised it at the time when the opportunities were scarce in my line of work, all the knock backs only thought me and made me stronger and I am now exactly where I am meant to be.


Family is everything

And I am not just talking about the conventional idea of the word. I have the most colourful family of all. Your family is the people – related or not – who are in your life, share your happiness and your sadness, show you love and support and are there for you through thick and thin. I have always been extremely grateful to have the special people I have in my life. And on top of that I always know I have my mother looking down on me every single day. My family is everything to me.


The more you are grateful, the more you will have to be grateful for

I know this might sound crazy, but a few years ago I started to practise gratitude. My aunt told me I should start by every night just taking a few minutes to list the things in my day that I was grateful for. A quiet coffee, a healthy meal, a good work day, a nap, a walk – whatever it was. I swear since applying this small change my mindset has completely turned around. I really think the shift in focus to being thankful for the wonderful things you have, allows us see the all the good things in our lives far more clearly. 


I hope you can take a little something from today’s blog post. A little Tuesday dose of positivity. 


Don’t forget you can find me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat: Leanneacmoore 


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