Leanne Moore

Hake Cakes

Dave’s famous Hake Cakes! Yes they were unbelievable!


What You Need: 

4 Fresh Hake Fillets

3 Potatoes

1/2 Cup Almond Milk

1 Large Onion (chopped finely)

2 Tblspns Fresh Parsley (chopped finely)

1 Clove Garlic (crushed)

2 Tblspns Fresh Lemon Juice

2 Tblspns Gluten Free Baking Powder

1 Large Egg

Gluten Free Flour

Coconut Oil

Himalayan Pink Salt


What To Do: 

Pour milk into pan, add Hake fillets (skin facing downwards) and season with salt. Cover and allow to cook gently for 5-6 mins. Turn off heat and keep covered.

Peel and cook potatoes and mash. Add onion, garlic, parsley and lemon juice.

In a large bowl mash the potato mixture and cooked hake and stir in egg and baking powder.

Using your hands roll into small (ish) balls and roll in flour.

Melt coconut oil in a pan on a medium to high heat and flatten patties and cook for 3-5 mins on each side.

Serve with side salad and some relish or chutney.

Delicious! And perfect for a next day snack on the go.

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