Leanne Moore

Skechers Review

The lovely people at Skechers Ireland recently got in touch to offer me a pair of their fab runners. I literally LIVE in training gear so I was only too delighted to take a pair off their hands!! I popped into the Skechers store in the Crescent Shopping Centre and selected these gorgeous black and silver Skech-Knit Skechers.


Now if this colour isn’t your thing – fear not – it took me ages to whittle down my choices to finally pick these ones. The colours and designs are incredible. They have literally every colour under the sun as well as some fabulous floral designs.


My new kicks also have Air-Cooled Memory Foam which feels lovely and cushiony underneath your foot. It literally feels as though the base of the shoe is fitted with it’s own pillow – perfect for anyone who spends their day on their feet. They really are the most comfortable trainers I have. But not only that – I also love the shape. They have a lovely snug fit and look dainty on your feet as opposed to so many bigger and bulkier runners on the market.


And what are they like to train in? Well I work with clients, workout myself and teach classes daily and as I have already mentioned – they ARE the most comfy pair I own. Ladies and gents you will not go wrong with these.


Also – as a final hurrah –  I should stress that Skechers do stand the test of time. I have three pairs – the oldest of which is about 1.5 years (LOL!) and they are still going strong.


For more see the Skechers Performance Ireland Facebook Page and keep your eyes peeled as I will be giving away a pair of SKECHERS in my new competition coming soon!


Leanne 🙂

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