Leanne Moore

Back To School Fitness…..

September is such a busy month for fitness. Summer is officially over, the kids are back at school and many people look at the new month as a means of upping their fitness game. For many the intention is well and truly there – but the question looming stands – where do you start? This week I’ve decided to put together some of my top tips on how to kickstart a new healthy lifestyle, re-inject a little energy into your gym routine and get the Autumn off to a great start.


1: Write Down Your Goals
Buy a diary or a notepad and on the first page – pop down the date and write down your personal goals. Fitness goals, bodyweight goals, food goals. Write down a time period, be realistic and give yourself a proper chance. Believe you can do it.


2: Stock up the presses with good foods
Get out and do a big shop. Aldi and Lidl are amazing for fresh fruit and vegetables. Clear out the presses at home. If there is no “rubbish” in the house, you are less likely to fall off track with a healthy eating routine. Don’t forget my blog has tons of recipes and food ideas to help you.


3: Plan a fitness regime that works for you
Pencil in your workout sessions for the week, stick to them. Keep them the same way you would any other appointment. Know what you are going to do. If you are doing a gym class, make a commitment to do that. If you are going to train yourself, plan out your workouts, if you need an added push – think about paying for a few Personal Training sessions to get you started and get a training plan in place.


4: Use an app or tracker
There are so many apps available these days for tracking food and exercise. I love the Fitness Pal app for tracking and logging meals. It gives you all the nutrition advice you need so that not only are you monitoring your calories and nutrients but you are also learning along the way. It’s also very motivating to see a “clean streak” of healthy eating days – it makes you want to stick to it more.


5: Use a DIY approach to fitness
Sometimes the cost of gym memberships or personal trainers is a barrier but that doesn’t mean you have to put your get fit routine on hold. Running outdoors or getting some outdoor HIIT sessions in is a great starting point especially if you have a weight loss goal.


6: Reward yourself
Each time to reach a goal you’ve set – make sure to reward yourself. Take some “you time”, buy something you’ve had your eye on, treat yourself. I’ve shared this tip before but I love it so I’m sharing it again. Pop €1 in a jar for each workout you do. In no time at all that jar will be paying for a treat night out, a new top or even next months gym membership


A new month is a lovely time to make a new start. Set yourself a four week challenge. Do it for you!
Email me on leannemooreofficial@gmail.com with #AskLeanne in the subject box or use the hashtag on INSTAGRAM or Twitter.

I’m also on Facebook and Snapchat: Leanneacmoore

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