Leanne Moore

How To Win January

For many people January means resolutions, new fitness routines, healthier eating and striving to be the best you can be. And while I’m all for everyone wanting to live the best life they can, I am also realistic and know that it’s difficult to make all the changes you want to make in one go. So today I’ve pieced together a few small steps you can take to help you on your road to a healthier you. Here’s my top tips on how to win January. 


1: Write It Down 

Get a little jotter or notebook and write down your goals. Set a short-term goal and a long-term goal. For example write what you want to accomplish by February and then by July etc


2: Pair Up 

It can be easier said than done but having a gym buddy can keep you on track. Challenge each other, plan your workouts together and keep on each others tails! Another great plus is that it’ll be rare that both of you are lacking motivation at the same time. So when one lacks the other will make up for it.


3: Make A Playlist 

Music playlists can sometimes be all the motivation you need. Treat yourself to a new tune each week and add to your gym playlist. Stick your headphones on and enjoy time in your own little world.


4: Do A Big Healthy Shop 

Get to your local store and get a big shop in with loads freshness and good food ingredients. A good thing to do before you do this is to look up some clean eating recipes that you can try in the week ahead and that way you can have everything you need to hand. 


5: Keep A Food Diary 

When it comes to making good food choices keeping a written diary is always a winner. Writing down the hard truth of what you choose to eat can sometimes be motivation enough to keep you on track.


6: Have A You Day 

If you are particularly low on energy and don’t fancy a workout session – opt for a “you” day as an alternative. Don’t reach for the nearest bar of chocolate – instead take a sauna, relax for 20 mins in the steam room, take a bath, go for a light swim or even a light walk. Treat yourself by treating your body.


7: Have A Rewards Jar 

Keep a rewards jar and pop in a euro for every workout you complete. That way at the end of the month/two months you’ll have (hopefully) notched up enough to treat yourself to something nice, be it a new top, some new gym gear or even the ultimate cheat meal!


8: Take Progress Pictures 

Start with a ‘Day 1″ picture and document your progress weekly or bi-weekly by taking pictures. Wear the same gym gear and adopt the same stance and location for each picture so the changes can be clearly seen. I still take pictures all the time just so I can keep track of any changes.


Whatever your fitness goal – the biggest step is starting and after that it’s making it a habit. No matter what you do, do your utmost to stick it out for January and chances are that by then the difference you see will be all the motivation you need to keep on going. Follow me on social media for more tips and advice. 


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Happy New Year guys!

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