Leanne Moore

Leanne’s Top Tips To…. Stay On Track At The Weekend

Let’s face it – we all have great intentions Monday to Friday (lunchtime) but then somehow it all goes out the car window on that commute home from work. So how do we keep our mojo through the weekend so we don’t undo all the good and ruin all the progress we’ve made? Here are a few of my top tips to making sure you stay on track at the weekend.

1: Allow A Cheat Meal

Plan your cheat meal. Have whatever it is you fancy but have it in ONE MEAL. For many “Cheat Meals” drag on and become cheat days. It’s that mentality that “Oh I’ve ruined today now I might as well keep eating bad….” Don’t allow that to happen. Enjoy your one cheat guilt free. If you’ve been working hard all week you’ve earned it. And more often than not if you have exactly what you are craving you will be totally satisfied and ready to revert back to your eat clean ways.

2: Make  A Healthier Alternative

Already had your cheat meal and now you fancy “something bold”? Make a CLEAN CHEAT. We’ve literally dozens of “bold” ideas on The A Department Blog. Take a look and see if something tickles your fancy.

3: Make Sensible Choices

We all have family functions, dates with friends, days out with the kids and on these occasions making sensible choices will mean you CAN stay on track. Coffee with the girls? Choose an Americano. Lunch with the family? Choose meat and a salad or veg. Ice-cream with the kids? Choose frozen yoghurt OR make it your cheat meal. Yes willpower is needed at the weekend. But if you had it all week, there’s no reason it has to leave your side now.

4: Don’t Deny Yourself

The biggest mistake people make when adopting a healthier lifestyle is thinking “Oh I cant go there because I can’t eat that….” STOP! You can still do EVERYTHING you want to do. Make the people around you aware that you are working towards a goal. Make the people around you aware of your likes and dislikes. Your friends, family, loved ones will 100% be on board to support you.

5: Treat Yourself In Different Ways

At the weekend we tend to centre things around meals out and sweet treats. In a sitting you’d spend what €15? €20? Opt to treat yourself to something you can actually reap the benefits from. Instead of that BLT with chips and large coke, go for that new lipstick. Buy that new computer game, pick up that top you spotted or buy that pricey fitness mag!

6: The Gym Is Not Just For Weekdays

If you are at a loose end, remember the gym is NOT just a weekday phenomenon. Pop down, even if you don’t whole heartedly want to, because I guarantee once you are done there will be NO REGRETS.

7: Get Outdoors

Staying cooped up on the house at the weekends can be similar to those evenings on the couch. Boredom sets in and suddenly the fridge and kitchen presses seem very appealing! Plan your days off. Get out and about.

8: Plan Ahead

Planning is important. Bring snacks so you are never caught out. I always have raw nuts, fresh fruit and a protein shake with me. That way I’m never caught short.

I hope these little tips help. Remember life doesn’t become less exciting because you choose to take a healthier route. But like all things – old habits are hard to kick. But once you’ve mastered it – you won’t regret the changes you’ve made.

Don’t forget to ‘LIKE’ my FACEBOOK page for more FITNESS fun 🙂

Love Leanne x


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